Rev. Deacon Marcia Tyriver

Deacon Marcia Tyriver became canonically resident in the Diocese of Michigan in 2019, when, joyfully, she was assigned to St. Michael’s! She has served as deacon in Janesville and Beloit, Wisconsin, and Kenwood, California.
She graduated from Lawrence University, Appleton, WI, and has a master’s degree in art history from the University of Illinois. Marcia grew-up in a small Illinois town, has lived most of her life in Wisconsin, and is thankful to live now one block from her MI daughter and daughter-in-law. She was thankful to have lived near her CA daughter, son-in-law, and beloved grand-daughter and grandson for eight years prior to moving to Lansing. She is also the delighted grandma of two grand-dogs!
After college Marcia taught junior-high art in Hinsdale, Illinois, followed by decades as associate librarian with the active Youth Services Department of the Hedberg Public Library , Janesville,WI. She brings with her to St. Michael’s her love of God and people and has a heart for contemplative prayer and social justice action inspired by the teachings and actions of Jesus. If you have a heart for such action, come join St. Michael’s Advocacy Team as we bring the voice of the church to the public square.