Community Garden

During the growing season, more than 20 local gardeners plant and tend to their plots through the community garden project. Since 2017 we have been able to provide large plots for six refugee families from Nepal. We also have one plot that is designated a “distribution garden” and was tended by parishioners. We offer 12 plots for community members. They are first come first serve in the spring.
Grow your own fresh veggies and fruit!! We have a plot for you! Tiny or expansive, you can start your own source of abundance. St. Michael’s is part of the Greater Lansing Community Garden Food Bank Project and we’re growing every year!
Contact us at to begin growing your own!
Community Out Reach
Greater Lansing Food Bank, along with our community gardeners St. Michael’s garden team grows a variety of produce for the Greater Lansing Food Bank Garden Project.
St. Michael’s Labyrinth is a great place to walk while you pray or contemplate things in your life. While you’re on your journey take in the beautiful native plants outlining your path.